Monday, October 10, 2005

Thiruvizha nu vandaa....

I'm not an atheist. Going to temple or in general any place of worship would give peace of mind, alrite... Though not regularly, even i go to temple. But 'sometimes' v r literally tattered to pieces.... Tat "sometimes" now...During local car festivals or special religious ocasions (like the sani/guru peyarchi), all the devotees in the world seem to gather in one temple in which tat lord resides. Of course it's a common belief tat, once the 'parikaram' is done in tat place, the intensity of difficulties tat would befall them in the future would drop down. But are v really in the right track? The temples are jam-packed throughout the day and people spend the whole day waiting on a never-ending queue with the costliest 'archanai ticket', only to be beleaguered by the 'archagar' at the place of darshan. Is this all really necessary? The answer is of course subjective. One may argue tat, in times of festivals like diwali n christmas, it's one's duty to visit the temple. I'm definitely not saying tat is wrong. But how do v find peace when the possibility there is nothing short of a stampede??

I'm not really emphasizing on certain views or something like tat. I'm jus trying to find the correct (or atleast the most probable) answers.

BELIEVE IT OR NOT: The fact tat i was made to go round the 'praharam' 24 times by an archagar today, is in no way related to my writing this blog :-)

Location: Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

casual person with deep passion about things/people i like....

I was Hermione Granger at the Harry Potter character quiz @
My Birthdate: October 6
  • You tend to be a the rock in relationships - people depend on you.
  • Thoughtful and caring, you often put others needs first.
  • You aren't content to help those you know... you want to give to the world.
  • An idealist, you strive for positive change and dream about how much better things could be.
  • Your strength: Your intuition
  • Your weakness: You put yourself last
  • Your power color: Rose
  • Your power symbol: Cloud
  • Your power month: June
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

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